Dolera Wiki

Character: Master Magi Josh

Vocation: Sorcerer

Current Level: 8

Guilds : None

Additional Characters: All on Astera- Master Magi Bob, Master Magi Fred, Master Magi Joe, Master Magi John

Hunted: Not that I know of

Real Name: ~

Location: USA

Languages: English

Doleran since: November 2nd I think

Additional Information: Ok, for starters I am just going to do bullets of what I have done so far.

  • Whenever I made my character: Just got on Dolera today, joined guild called Fifth Sin. Others say its a n00b guild, so may quit soon and ask to join Devious Angels. Made a friend today, will post when I am back online and can see my vip list again.
  • November 24: Made it off of rookgaard, went straight to darashia on darama, hiding in depot so as not to be killed. Left and made it to Ab'Dendriel, hiding in depot there. Anyone see a pattern emerging?
  • November 26: Ugh. Died 3 times today, once from minotaurs and twice from a player kill. One of those kills was by a character named Slynger. I kept my level and am hiding in the depot again,I really hope there is a guild that will take me because at this rate I am not gonna survive much longer before I get sent back to Rookgaard.
  • November 27: Didn't do much today.